A pig for a special bloggerfriend

Dear Kylie,

especialy for you, here I post the lovely pig my daughter did in her artists course.

The piece behind the candle holder is a coronal of wood spray painted in white. Usually I use it for christmas but it is lovely just for decoration now.

Take care! And please frock again ;-)

Yours, Ria

4 Kommentare:

{ Kylie } | 14. Oktober 2013 um 16:19 hat gesagt…

Oh Ria, how lovely to wake up and see this post! Thank you!
Your daughter's pig is gorgeous as are all her other creations I can see next to it,especially the little penguin.
Did you make the timber wreath, buy it, or find it/ (is it made by Mother Nature?)
I love these bloggy connections we've all formed, don't you?
17 days of frocking-up to go! Don't worry (ha!) you'll get to see more of me...x

{ annton } | 15. Oktober 2013 um 09:37 hat gesagt…

oh, welch ein wunderbares schwein!! grüße deine talentierte tochter von mir. ich liebe ihr tier.

{ Unknown } | 17. Oktober 2013 um 01:24 hat gesagt…

Lieb Annton!
Vielen lieben Dank, auch im Namen unserer Künstlerin hier im Haus. Sie ist mächtig stolz über das Lob. Sie hat wirklich Talent und wir konnten sie auf eine Schule mit Schwerpunkt Sport, Kunst und Musik schicken!!!

{ Unknown } | 17. Oktober 2013 um 01:29 hat gesagt…

Dear Kylie,
the coronal is from teak selected on the beach. I bought it at our local florist Hugo Meis. I´m not half so talented like my daughter in DIY-Projects...
And to be connected with such lovely women all over the world is fascinating to me and my whole family. xx

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