#Choco Crossies in five minutes - enjoy...

After two ladies - one sitting in TEXAS and the other one at "the end of the World" in Perth, Australia are waiting for the 5 Minute Choco Crossies, here it comes.

Hope that the other 140 (Hello to everybody) followers are keen on it, too!

Yes, this could be all yours and you made it in five minutes...

What you need, has to be in every kitchen to stay alive in difficult situations or , okay you need it everday, I know.

  • Cornflakes with or without sugar (no weight here, you could use the whole if you have enough chocolate to cover them)
  • dark chocolate for cookies or muffins - in Germany we call it "Blockschokolade or Kuvertüre"
  • a microwave for the five minute version!
  • baking paper
  • a spoon
What you have to do?

  1. Just hit the chocolate in the mircowave for 2 minutes, not so hot. Better to make it in litte steps of 30 seconds, so that it doesn´t cook. It just have to be warm and smooth.
  2. Spread the cornflakes over the baking paper
  3. Cover it with the smooth warm chocolate
  4. Stir the whole mess with the spoon and be sure that ever flake is covered well...
This is done in five minutes, trust me. Maybe you are so good, that you could fix it in four ;-)

 Looks it good. or looks it good?! Okay, now you have to be a little bit more cool-headed. Because now you have to wait that the chocolate gets hard. If everything cools down you could cut the mess with the knife, much better, break it with your fingers and...

Packed in little sacks with a nice ribbon it is a beautiful and delicious giveaway for friends or just a gift for the festive season!

Hope you like it and have fun in the kitchen!

You are intrested in, what was happend last night in my living room? You will be surprised, promise.

Stay tuned!

I´ll be back tomorrow to invite you to see some snapshots of our living room.

Yours, Ria

1 Kommentare:

{ Kylie } | 9. Dezember 2013 um 05:16 hat gesagt…

It has taken me a while to get back and check your recipe Ria. It is tooooo easy! I imagine it would taste pretty good too. Thank you :) You also did a marvelous job on your floor rug too btw x

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